
Comforts of Home: Conveying Depth and Complexity with Bedroom Portraits

by Nantpipat Vuthisak

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FotoCandiny explores his creativity within the confines of the bedroom in his Creative Portrait Project

Portraying intimacy is something many photographers strive for throughout their careers. To explore the idea and honestly look beyond cliches, Nantpipat Vuthisak - also known as FotoCandiny - heads to the bedroom with a portraiture series that transcends the banal.

Working with a model to convey the cosiness and home comforts of the bedroom, Nantpipat sought to create images that go beyond the preconceived notions of what personal space means.

"The driving force for this concept was to look deeply at all the complexities associated with personal spaces like the bedroom," he said.

We connected with the experienced Thai photographer to delve deeper into how the familiar can open our eyes to new, spontaneous moments of life and channel a sense of timelessness.

Alpha 7 IV | FE 50mm F1.2 GM | 1/320 sec | F1.2 | ISO 160

Unlike street or wedding photography, Nantpipat was able to gain more control over the elements, reimagining his studio into a lush bedroom that was the epitome of comfort. 

"However, we also needed to carefully assess how we would use lighting to communicate the snugness that one often thinks of in a place like the bedroom, which is akin to a sanctuary for people," explained Nantpipat.

"We also looked to utilise all the tools and equipment in my studio to match the theme we were going for," he added.

Get down or go high

While the typical challenges associated with surroundings were mitigated, Nantpipat still needed to convey intensity and spontaneity in equal measure. "Here lies the difficulties of this subject. Approaching themes like comfort and intimacy, which are intertwined in our collective experience of personal space, we naturally are drawn to shooting the mundane and trivial," he said.

"The challenge is to use creativity to bring a certain intensity to the photos," he added. To achieve this, Nantpipat went slightly against the grain by experimenting with angled shots. "Typically, photographers will advise that you do whatever possible to avoid crooked lines so as to not ruin photo composition. However, with this series I wanted to explore doing just that in a confined, cosy space," he said.

Though minimal, he also used props adroitly to add to this. "While we looked to keep things simple - just a simple bed, sheets, some pillows, a wood pallet and some greenery - we added a mirror and prism to make the photo more interesting," he said.

Nantpipat also guided the model to reflect on how she feels when in her own personal space. "Her professionalism and talent really shone through because she was able to convey the full gamut of emotions that I think many can relate to in their own personal space," he said.

Alpha 7 IV | FE 50mm F1.2 GM | 1/320 sec | F1.2 | ISO 160

Leave some things to the imagination

When trying to convey depth while shooting in confined spaces, sometimes snippets of the room can be a fun way to intrigue audiences. Using aesthetically pleasing shots that leave a few things to the imagination can pique people's interest, especially when done right.

"I wanted to gain a rainbow-like flare in some of my photos and figured that by using a prism to block one corner of my lens, I could get some very interesting shots. I also used the prism in different positions to see how this effect could convey a homey feel, while adding a dreamlike quality to the composition.

With the Alpha 7 IV, Nantpipat was able to explore colour schemes that fit in with the visuals he was striving for."The Alpha 7 IV's Creative Look Neutral setting is also a very flat profile so it was relatively easy to make changes where necessary to match the feeling that we wanted to convey in the photos," he said.

Making full use of the Alpha 7 IV's Creative Look Neutral setting, FotoCandiny was able to provide an intimate look into personal spaces

Undertaking this project gave Nantpipat the opportunity to put his skills to good use while exploring themes like vulnerability and authenticity. His advice for budding photographers is to try new things and search for inspiration in as many places as possible. "Always try to think outside the box. Especially when doing shoots in small spaces, you can make use of interior design and lighting to snap photos that stand out," he said.

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