
Level up your photography with Sony flash

Take your creative vision to the next level with a Sony flash. With the suitable lighting technique, an ordinary photo becomes a great one.

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Fill-in Flash

A little fill-in light gives any image a boost. The presence of shadows inevitably results in loss of detail and colour accuracy; this is especially evident in close-up (macro) photography.

With Flash
Without Flash

                                      HVL-F45RM | Alpha 7R III | FE 50mm F2.8 Macro

Flash setup

Mount the Sony HVL-F45RM  onto the camera hot shoe. Set the flash to P-TTL mode. The flash unit emits a pre-flash to ascertain the appropriate light output level for automatic fill flash. You can adjust the intensity of the fill-flash through the Flash Compensation menu on your Sony Alpha 7 camera. For a softer lighting effect, attach the flash cap onto the top of the flash.

Backlight Compensation

Bright sunny conditions can create exposure issues during portrait photography. Without the help of a flash, subject appears dark and lifeless,  due to the strong backlight.


With Flash
Without Flash

                                   HVL-F45RM | Alpha 7R III | FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS

Flash setup

Mount the Sony HVL-F45RM flash onto the camera hot shoe. Set the flash to P-TTL mode for automatic backlight compensation. As you press the shutter button, the flash unit emits a pre-flash to ascertain the appropriate light output level for a balanced foreground exposure. Fine-tuning of flash power can be done through the Flash Compensation menu on camera. For a softer lighting effect, attach the flash cap onto the top of the flash. 

Off-camera flash

Create beautiful scenes with Sony’s multi-flash radio control capability. With the ability to control up to 15 Sony flash units in 5 different groups, it’s easy to light any scene with precision. This technique is ideal for shooting high-quality still life and product shots.

With Flash
Without Flash

                                       HVL-F60RM | FA-WRC1M | Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM

Flash setup

Use two HVL-F60RM flash units and a wireless radio commander (FA-WRC1M). By placing a HVL-F60RM remote control flash behind the flask, and one under the glass table top, a dramatic back lit effect is created. The FA-WRC1M radio commander’s big LCD screen and dedicated buttons, makes it easy to manually adjust the relative power output of both flash units. This gives the photographer creative lighting control over any scene. On-the-fly manual adjustments to the flash power output can be made without moving away from the camera. All adjustments are wirelessly communicated to the remote flash units for a highly efficient workflow.
Exposure notes  
The camera aperture set at F11, creates a deep depth-of-field so that both the flask and the glass–which is positioned a few centimetres in front of the flask–are both in sharp focus. To remove the impact of ambient lighting in the scene, shutter speed of 1/250s and ISO sensitivity of 100, was chosen.

Nature skintones with flash

Picture an indoor wedding party where the bride and groom are smiling radiantly but the dim, incandescent lighting is making their faces look yellow or pale. With a Sony flash, you can capture natural skintones in all kinds of lighting environment.

With Flash
Without Flash

                                     HVL-F60RM | FA-WRC1M | Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8GM

Lighting setup

By placing an HVL-F60RM remote control flash to the right of camera, and another HVL-F60RM flash to the left and facing the side of their heads, the scene is bathed in colour corrected light. The FA-WRC1M radio commander makes it easy to adjust the relative output of both flash units without moving away from camera. The key light to the right of camera, is set at ½ power while the flash to the left of camera set at ¼ strength – illuminating the couple’s hair. The combination of the two Sony flash units provides a flattering illumination of the couple’s natural skintones.

Exposure notes

The camera aperture was manually set at F9.0 to record sharp details of the bridal gown and facial expressions. To capture the warm ambient lighting of the background, a slow shutter speed of 1/6s was used. The ISO sensitivity was set at 100.

Outdoor photography

Combining flash photography with a wide-angle zoom lens (e.g. Sony’s FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM) is great for dramatic portraits. By accentuating contrast in lighting between the subject and background, wide-angle scenes take on a whole new lease-of-life.

With Flash
Without Flash

                                 HVL-F45RM | FA-WRC1M | Alpha 7R III | FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM

Lighting setup

By adding a keylight to the left of camera, the subject is beautifully illuminated and stands out from the background. The cityscape background has been under exposed by one-stop, adding intensity to the colour and tones of the evening sky. This can be done by adjusting the exposure compensation dial on your Sony camera. The key light is configured for TTL mode shooting, and it automatically chooses an appropriate power setting in accordance with the camera exposure. The final result is a well balanced capture, with  good facial detail and accurate colours. 

Outdoor flash. Night time.

Shooting with a wide-open aperture while using flash, is a great recipe for cinematic portraiture. This technique is best used with a telephoto lens e.g. Sony’s FE 85mm F1.4 GM, in low light against a cityscape. The picture below shows a darkened subject against a beautiful bokeh background. With a burst of flash, the subject is brought clearly into focus.

With Flash
Without Flash

                                   HVL-F45RM | FA-WRC1M | Alpha 7R III | FE 85mm F1.4 GM

Lighting setup

To achieve a cinematic effect, we used one HVL-F45RM flash unit and a wireless radio commander (FA-WRC1M). By placing an HVL-F45RM remote control flash to the left of camera, a flattering cross lighting separates the subject from the background. With the Sony flash set to TTL mode, it intelligently selects the appropriate power levels in accordance to the camera’s exposure. The final result is  a beautiful portrait with true-to-life colour rendition.

Exposure notes

 A wide open aperture of f/1.4 was selected to create the beautiful out-of-focus (bokeh) background. The shutter speed used was 1/60s and the ISO set at 100.

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